
Hello and welcome to my blog!

Here I will be writing about how a spiritual awakening has changed my life. It led me to question everything from our western society’s norms and values to child rearing and how I am best able to integrate those changed perspectives on life into my and my family’s life. It sure is not an easy task to change our ways of living from what we’ve been doing (unconsciously) for so long and it sometimes also means I will take a step forward and two back. It is a journey in and of itself and certainly isn’t a race. I will also share my thoughts and views on the meaning of our existence and how I see that our deep rooted fears are our biggest roadblocks to living a joyful, fulfilling and abundant life.

Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Love & Light,


This website is in the beginning stages and you may see some changes every now and then until it has been established.