What is a Spiritual Awakening?
First we should clear up the idea that the word “Spiritual” is or should only be associated with religion. Rather defining something “Spiritual” as all-encompassing, that what is beyond anything physical or material in our existence.
A Spiritual Awakening is the crumbling down of the “ego” and reconnecting with the Higher Self or Spirit.
The “ego” is the identity that we have created over the years, layer upon layer through our experiences in life to keep us “safe” from perceived threats and through the mundane conditioning since birth. It is the part we call the self or “I”.
As we go through such an awakening, which is in a sense waking up from living unconsciously, we start questioning old belief systems, habits and social conditioning and a craving for a deeper understanding on what life is really about, asking questions such as “why am I here?”, “What is my purpose?”.
It is also common to experience some confusion when the ego crumbles and what was thought to be the “self” no longer applies. For some this may be less or more intense depending on how many layers has been created through (negative) life experiences and conditioning, and may sometimes require the guidance of a professional whom is aware of the psychological factors at play when one is experiencing a spiritual awakening.
Finding the answers to “who am I”, and such, requires one to go within. Unpacking each layer of the perceived self to find our authentic self, the one of pure innocence.
This can take many years or even and entire lifetime, but one worthwhile as it is a path that can offer a more fulfilling and joyful life, with a deeper sense of knowing who we are and what we are here to accomplish.